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Protecting Our Children Against COVID | Leadership Lessons from a North American Context

Protecting Our Children Against COVID | Leadership Lessons from a North American Context

多倫多台灣同鄉會TCAT這次在非常難得的機會裡邀請到黃宏加醫師 多倫多兒童醫院的首席副院長及醫療總指揮, 抽空與我們分享用 北美防疫團隊的經驗「如何預防孩子感染冠狀病毒」與台灣 張武修醫師長春藤全球健康生物科技股份有限公司總經理兼總院長, 來個加拿大與台灣的醫療交流互動, 同時讓我們鄉親朋友明瞭這之間的關係.   We will discuss key efforts made during the course of the pandemic to protect children from the efforts...