416-479-0882 info@tcatoronto.org
2022 AGM

2022 AGM

參加這次年會的會員可以抽到精美禮品別錯過你的機會哦!!! 年度回顧丶財務報告、建館基金會-現階報告、推舉新委員、新委員會產生 Annual review, Financial report, Building foundation- Current report, Election of new members, Election of new committees   歡迎踴躍加入同鄉會委員團隊! 會中有準備各式 獎品 贈送給當日叁加會員喔! Join our TCAT Board of Directors...
TCAT The Enlightenment -媽祖的啟示

TCAT The Enlightenment -媽祖的啟示

年會特別節目 The Enlightenment 媽祖的啟示 傳說~媽祖一揮“仙捽”……. 乞丐趕走了廟公, 廟公變成了乞丐 時間:Jan. 22, 2022 Sat. 2pm 地點:視訊連結~ 加拿大女士Marina去台灣旅遊, 對鹿港龍山寺- 媽祖啟示傳說, 念念不忘, 寫下了感人的啟示故事…….   本會幾位鄉親, 使出渾身解數的演技才華, 呈現動容的啟示.Sat. 1/22,  2pm...


Since 1963 TCAT is the largest general-purpose all-ages Taiwanese organization in the Greater Toronto Area, established back in 1963 and later registered as a non-profit organization in the Province of Ontario in 1975. 1963 至今 TCAT...


Since 1963 TCAT is the largest general-purpose all-ages Taiwanese organization in the Greater Toronto Area, established back in 1963 and later registered as a non-profit organization in the Province of Ontario in 1975. 1963 至今 TCAT...


Since 1963 TCAT is the largest general-purpose all-ages Taiwanese organization in the Greater Toronto Area, established back in 1963 and later registered as a non-profit organization in the Province of Ontario in 1975. 1963 至今 TCAT...