多倫多台灣同鄉會和加拿大台灣同鄉會將於8月27日下午6時30分在士嘉堡 (Scarborough)”豪門宴” Casa Deluz Banquet Hall慶祝第60週年的晚宴,熱烈歡迎鄉親和朋友攜家帶眷共同參與.
The Taiwanese Canadian Association of Toronto (TCAT) and the Taiwanese Canadian Association of Canada (TCA) are thrilled to celebrate its 60th anniversary celebration, taking place at Casa Deluz Banquet Hall 豪門宴, Scarborough, ON.
This milestone event promises to be a memorable occasion, commemorating six decades of cultural heritage, community engagement, and friendship.
August 27th, 2023 – Dinner 7pm
Casa Deluz Banquet Hall 豪門宴, Scarborough
(Individual ticket is $120)
* * * * TCAT 會員團購優惠 * * * *
TCAT Members Group Tickets Promotion
立刻省 $200 OFF!!!!
慶祝晚宴單票為$120加元. 一桌十位. 凡一次購買一桌 (x10 張) 晚宴票,每張票可節省 20 加元! 鼓勵各位一次招集十位家人朋友一同購買! 要買要快喔!
感謝鄉親和朋友們多年來對多倫多台灣同鄉會的支持, 大家攜家帶眷共同參與!
訂團購票請向David Hu 會長或 Jean Chen 理事聯絡.
Email: David Hu – president@tcatoronto.org | Jean Chen – info@tcatoronto.org