416-479-0882 info@tcatoronto.org

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餐飲 | Restaurants

Since 1963 TCAT is the largest general-purpose all-ages Taiwanese organization in the Greater Toronto Area, established back in 1963 and later registered as a non-profit organization in the Province of Ontario in 1975. 1963 至今 TCAT 是台灣人在大多倫多地區最大的全年紀公共社團,於1963年設立並於1975年與安大略省登記為非營利組織...

服務 | Services

Since 1963 TCAT is the largest general-purpose all-ages Taiwanese organization in the Greater Toronto Area, established back in 1963 and later registered as a non-profit organization in the Province of Ontario in 1975. 1963 至今 TCAT 是台灣人在大多倫多地區最大的全年紀公共社團,於1963年設立並於1975年與安大略省登記為非營利組織...

娛樂 | Recreations

Since 1963 TCAT is the largest general-purpose all-ages Taiwanese organization in the Greater Toronto Area, established back in 1963 and later registered as a non-profit organization in the Province of Ontario in 1975. 1963 至今 TCAT 是台灣人在大多倫多地區最大的全年紀公共社團,於1963年設立並於1975年與安大略省登記為非營利組織...