Free tax clinic in March and April.
因為疫情緣故,今年免費報稅義工服務從大都會 (Metro Square) 跟 North York Centre 週末服務改成線上服務,無時間地點限制,因此包含已回台灣的加打畢業生。今年疫情結束之前從三月開始到四月底有台灣同鄉會以及台灣僑民服務中心跟國稅局合作的免費報稅線上服務。報稅義工服務是專給低收入人民,簡單稅務狀況。低收入的定義在單人去年收入低於 $35,000,家庭 $45,000,每多一個小孩另加 $2,500,銀行年度利息不超過 $1,000 (https://tinyurl.com/5n8hu8cw)。簡單稅務狀況不包含自顧商業,房屋出租,往年稅務,投資收入,海外資產或牽扯到法律上面問題,這些超越活動範圍,建議找專業稅務會計師或律師。一切服務免費不收費。
Due to the lockdown, this year’s free tax clinic will be hosted virtually instead of having physical locations, thus it includes working holiday people who have already returned to Taiwan. Between Mar to the end of Apr there will be free tax clinics for individuals earning under $35,000 a year, families earning under $45,000 and an additional $2,500 for each child in a simple tax situation (https://tinyurl.com/5n8hu8cw). Simple tax situation excludes self-employment or business, rental income, prior year’s taxes, investment income, foreign assets or legal tax problems. Please consult with a professional accountant or lawyer for those situations. All services are free as part of CRA’s Community Volunteer Income Tax Program and is free of charge.
如果 2020 年有正當收入(非黑工),需要報稅歡迎來參加。服務適合新移民,居民,學生,長輩,低收入家庭等等。有服務需求請 email treasurer@tcatoronto點org 跟 julie9798123@gmail.com 好安排義工為你服務。謝謝。
If you have income in 2021 and fit the criteria, please email both treasurer@tcatoronto(dot)org as well as julie9798123@gmail.com and a volunteer will assist you. Thank you.