416-479-0882 info@tcatoronto.org
More details coming soon…



今年8月25日至27日在多倫多市區的湖濱中心(Harbourfront Center)將舉辦第60屆加台會年會以及台灣文化節的年度活動。節目內容將探索荷蘭、台灣和加拿大之間的歷史連繫。

8月25日下午在這個環境優美且設備完善的湖濱中心將舉行期待已久的台灣文化節開幕音樂會,為慶祝第60屆加台會和多倫多台灣同鄉會一連串精彩的活動揭開序幕。接下來兩天的年會和各項台灣文化節的活動,包括創意自畫像藝術及穿越古今的音樂演出等° 這是一個充滿趣味與知識交流,更是一個與老朋友相聚,認識新朋友的絕佳機會。非常適合全家共度週末的好去處。請大家踴躍共襄盛舉。


另外,我們將於8月27日下午6時30分在士嘉堡( Scarborough)”豪門宴’舉行加台會與多倫多同鄉會慶祝第60週年的閉幕晚宴,熱烈歡迎鄉親和朋友攜家帶眷共同參與,這個彼此相互認識的寶貴機會,也代表著我們社區的未來。在此活動中,請大家著正式服裝出席!

The Taiwanese Canadian Association of Toronto (TCAT) is thrilled to announce its 60th anniversary celebration, taking place at Casa Deluz Banquet Hall 豪門宴, Scarborough, ON. 

This milestone event promises to be a memorable occasion, commemorating six decades of cultural heritage, community engagement, and friendship.

Since its establishment in 1963, TCAT has played a vital role in promoting Taiwanese culture, fostering connections, and empowering the Taiwanese-Canadian community in Toronto. The 60th anniversary celebration serves as a testament to the association’s dedication, resilience, and lasting impact on generations of Taiwanese Canadians.

In addition to the captivating performances and delectable food, the celebration will host distinguished guests, community leaders, and past and present members of TCAT. Their inspiring speeches will reflect on the association’s accomplishments and highlight its continued commitment to promoting Taiwanese culture, fostering strong community bonds, and embracing the multicultural fabric of Canada.