416-479-0882 info@tcatoronto.org

Financial Workshop

Saturday, August 20 and 27, 2022.

台灣信用社將在今年 8 月舉辦財務工作坊, 分享稅務和投資知識,幫助您更好地管理財務。

8 月 20 日星期六上午 11 點,TCU 董事 – Tina Wang 將主持“2022 年聯邦預算如何影響個人”。在研討會結束時,您還可以提出與自僱和公司相關的問題。

8 月 27 日星期六上午 11 點,我們邀請 Ivy Chuang 主持“使用稅收優惠賬戶增加您的財富”。您還可以在研討會上提出與投資相關的問題,並了解 TCU 提供的金融產品。


1. 只需在本帖評論區回复“+1”即可


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3. 在研討會時間之前返回 


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感謝 TCAT 台灣同鄉會 與 T.Y.P.E.A. 共同推廣

Taiwanese Credit Union would like to present Finance workshops this August to share TAX and INVESTMENT knowledge to help you better manage your finance. 

On Aug 20, Saturday at 11 AM, TCU Board of Directors – Tina Wang will host “How Federal budget 2022 Impacts Individuals”. At the end of the workshop, you may also ask questions related to self-employment and corporate.

On Aug 27, Saturday at 11 AM, We invited Ivy Chuang to host “Use Tax-Advantaged Account to Increase Your Wealth.” You may also ask investment-related questions in the workshop and understand what finance products TCU has to offer.

To participate, 

1. Simply reply “+1” in the comment area of this post


2. Join https://www.facebook.com/groups/taiwanesecreditunion

3. Check back to https://www.facebook.com/groups/taiwanesecreditunion before the workshop time for the Zoom event link.

This event is co-promoted by TCAT and T.Y.P.E.A.